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Meet the face
behind the posts

Hello! I'm Marissa and I am a junior at Simmons University in Boston studying Public Relations and Marketing Communications minoring in Web Design and Development. I grew up on Cape Cod and therefore have a soft spot in my heart for the ocean and the environment.


This is Environmental Health Watch! A place to get all the updates and news about environmental health.


Environmental health has become a hot topic during the Covid-19 pandemic as it focuses on how a person’s external environment affects their physical, emotional, and mental health. A lot of the major diseases, chronic illnesses, and social issues we experience today are a direct result of the environment. I believe that everyone should be aware of what is going on in the environment and how these environmental factors influence your day-to-day life. This past year has been difficult for everyone and I have realized how much my environment affects all facets of my life. This realization is what I am here to share through blog posts, news columns, and personal anecdotes. 


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